Gear up for some mind-boggling and crazy free rummy action

Do you love to play rummy for free? If you do, Deccan Rummy is the perfect place for you! With a large number of freeroll tournaments, Deccan Rummy is the best place for some free rummy action online. Offering an mind-blowing gaming experience on a safe platform, we provide our players a competitive gaming environment that fosters expertise in rummy.

Our Freeroll tournaments are worth a colossal 20 Lakhs. When we say freeroll, it means it is absolutely free. Players do not have to spend a penny in-order to participate.

Are you curious to know about the free roll tournaments in detail? Here they are:

Hot Free Rummy Action!

Rapid Rustle

The tournament as the name indicates is a turbo format tournament. The tournament comes with a big prizepool of 10K everyday and is scheduled everyday at 11:00 AM. With just 2 deals, players can quickly enter and win the prizemoney.


GoldQuest is the premier freeroll tournament that has been running in our platform since our inception. The winner would receive a Gold Coin. There is only one winner in this tournament and because of the nature of the format, the competition has been intense. The tournament will be conducted everyday at 1PM.

Mid day Minerva

Looking for midday fun? We all get frustrated during our midday with things not happening as per our plan. A little bit of fun is enough to set things right! And that is what our Midday Minerva tournament is all about. Play for a share of 5000 Cash Bonus in our Midday Minerva Tournament everyday at 1:30 PM

Evening Surprise

Some rummy action along with tea goes well. No matter wherever you are do not miss our Evening Surprise Tournament which is scheduled everyday at 5:30 PM. The tournament comes with a hefty prizepool of Rs. 10000. Some hot evening fun with a cash reward is too enticing an offer to skip

Mega Blast

So, do you believe you have it in you to go for the ultimate kill? If so, head on to our rummy tables and put your rummy skills into optimal use and fight for the big prizepool of Rs. 15000 everyday at 8:30 PM. Our Mega Blast tournament is for warriors who come out armored and all guns blazing. In order to slay them, you’ve got to up your game by legions. Can you?

Late Night Thunders

For hardcore rummy enthusiasts, their day wouldn’t end without featuring in a competitive rummy tournament. That’s exactly what Late Night Thunders is all about. Coming with a colossal prizepool of Rs 10000 everyday, this Late Night thunders tournament promises some hot action at no buy-in. Assemble at our tables’ everyday at 10:30 PM and have a real shot at the prizes.

GiftRaffle Tournament

Extremely popular since its launch, the tournament is now coming with an increased prizepool of Rs. 4100 everyday. The winners of this tournament receive movie vouchers and gift vouchers as prizes. Winning cash is alright! But this is something special, something that is more than cash. That’s the reason the craze for this tournament remains on an all-time high!

That’s not all we have many other tournaments lined up in the near future! Get ready for some rollicking fun and extreme adventure in our rummy website. With a commitment to make your rummy journey endearing and more rewarding, we are brainstorming several ideas which will soon come to fruition. That is in the near future. Now these are some of the craziest rummy tournaments coming with a mind-boggling prizepool, that you will see in the Indian rummy community. Polish your rummy skills and gear up for some heavy rummy action ahead!

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